
Nov 28, 2009

will i ever get the hang of this?

ok ~ I love to wake up ever morning and wonder off to my studio and create all day, but I just can't seem to write everyday. This kinda feels like a diary - which I was so never good at when I was younger! Oh sure, I had the best intentions in a beautiful, clean new book with a tiny liitle key and lock attached - and for the first few days...dear diary had my souls content. But then I became bored! What is the purpose of this again?! If no one reads it (except my ornery brothers!) Then who cares?! I'd much rather make something pretty, which I have come to recognize that we all express what is inside just a bit different! My diary/blog isn't on paper, but what I made pretty today.
I have so many beloved blogs that I adore visiting everyday, but why would anyone want to read bout me?! off I saunter to my studio to create  beautiful things ~ little pieces of my soul...
and I will try to blog more often, because I really do want to be apart of all these wonderful blog friendships I read about everyday...but  will I  ever get the hang of this?!