
Oct 25, 2011

...fluttering about

...hello my sweets!

i have fluttered safely back home
and have missed visiting with all of you:)
it may take me a few days to re-calculate
and get back into a rythm

in the coming weeks,
i have a few lovely Jeanne d'Arc style holiday pretties
lined up to share with you

and very soon,
a giveaway!


to thank all of you fabulous readers
for joining along
and always showing such support
for my creative heart and soul...


your encouragement means so much
and i am grateful for all of you in this blogging world
especially if you find yourself inspired,
 and take the time to comment when you visit here,
in the land of odds!


so stay tuned dear hearts!

sharing this short post with
Faded charm's: White Wednesday

here's to all of you!

Oct 13, 2011

...ethereal dream catcher tutorial sleep
perchance to dream...

i'm sure you've seen a dream catcher...

they pop up every now and again

R.A.'s shabby chic couture ones are divinely

but as i have not found my way to the land of milk and honey
~ YET!
~ HA!! ~
that price sticker is a wee bit steep for me to fork over for one
(not that they aren't worth every penny!)
(i'm just sayin')

so what is a girl to do
to satiate a small desire of her heart
and to perchance
snare a dream in the process???

you know me all to well
we make one!!

before we do,
shall we explore the actual purpose of a dream catcher?
(just humor me and say, "a-huh"!)

a traditional dream catcher
was intended to protect the sleeping individual from negative dreams,
 while letting positive dreams through.
the positive dreams would slip through the holes
 and glide down the feathers to the sleeping person below.
  negative dreams would get caught up in "the web"
 and expire when the first rays of the sun struck them.

sounds like something i could incorporate into my dream land!

and i bet you already have most of what you need,
 stashed away somewhere in your studio like i did!

you can use an embroidery hoop
like i have here
(yes, i spry painted mine a matte, sparkly champagne color) 
a hoop or circular shape was used
because it symbolized strength and unity

and decorate it with whimsical findings,
you know,
 bits and pieces of your everyday life,
for me, that includes feathers, pearls, lace, roses and silk ribbons
but you may have a love for other materials
so this merely a guideline
~ use what YOU love

lacy, crochet doilies are something i have a slight obsession with
so i have a few at my fingertips at all times
so it just seemed natural to use them here
no web weaving required.

whatever size hoop you will be using,
just make sure you doily is slightly larger.

position your doily between the two hoops

when you are happy with it's position,
simply push your two embroidery hoops together.
that is the beauty of using this type of hoop
no fuss, no muss!

see, wasn't that easy?

now for the fun part...


i tore strips of a white sheet into 1 1/2" wide strips
then hand stamped the word "dreamer" randomly down the length
 of my new "ribbon"
to make your own sheet ribbon:
start on the selvage edge, make a snip in your sheet
and tear it all the way down
it's that easy!

as you are playing with "the look" of your dream catcher
it helps to lay your pretty materials on each side
 to see what you like and don't like with it

here i added some lace ribbons...

and of course,
some sea silk ribbon!

on the top, i added a rose...
not traditional
but as these are my dreams
i need ethereal blooms!

a swan feather with the word "beauty" hand stamped upon it
gets tucked beneath my rose bloom

and a few downy feathers are attached along each side
along with some wired pearl streamers...

when you are pleased with your selections,
simply tie them together and then tie them onto each side
and voila!
an ethereal dream catcher!!


and with all of your personal pretties incorporated

how could you not have anything but happy, positive dreams
gliding down to you?!

i plan on making a few of these beauties for christmas gifts
as we could all use a little more whimsy dreams,
couldn't we?!

i hope you enjoyed your visit today.
and were inspired to create a dream catcher just for you!

also sharing this post with:
My Shabby Streamside Studio's: Holiday Decor Showcase
French Country Cottage's: Feathered Nest Friday
Freckled Laundry's: Air Your Laundry Friday
Romantic Home's: Show and Tell Friday
Vintage Farmhouse's: Creative Things Thursday

here's to sweet dreams!

Oct 11, 2011 be as a mute swan

...hello out there
to all you dear girlie's!

today's musing is about something close to my heart
a beautiful swan

i have several of these ethereal creatures
adorning my home
their elegant presence,
 inspires me to always be graceful in my everyday life.

next week,
we are traveling back east
in search of our future lovely nest,
truth be told,
i am nervous about those small details...
i am seeking grace.


~to be as a mute swan ~

you never hear her approaching
for she quietly glides across the sparkling water,

facing forward,
a sight to behold,
s-i-l-e-n-t-l-y wise,
always ready to face whatever challenges that lie before her...

oh dear, there is a storm moving in...
but ~
this does not deter her,
and she continues to glide.

even when the wind sends out it's worst howls
and tries it's very best to blow her away from her chosen path,
she wades,
feet pedaling,
head strong,
quietly ~ gliding along...

that old, nasty wind will have a piece of her, regardless!
and whisks away a few of her precious plumes
but still,
the mute swan continues on...

never lashing out,
although, so very close to tears.

she struggles on
 believing that just beyond her sights
there is a peaceful place to rest...
she only has to trust in her inner strength
with all her might.

ravaged by the fierce storm,
she clings to the gentle voice that woes her on...
"be still, and know that I am"

glide on
oh beautiful one...

you inspire me so...
to be as a mute swan during a difficult storm is not easy ~

i wonder what wisdom she would impart
if i were to humbly ask...

as the Sonshine
grows more apparent
i realize ~ as she gazes my way,
she has already imparted her wisdom

without ever speaking...

i am ashamed of my own disbelief at times,
i lower my head
and beneath my feet
are a few of her beautiful plumes
carried to shore by those once turmoiled waters...

 i bend down to gather a few,
upon further inspection,
i  can surmise that these feathers
never went under water during that storm,
but merely floated upon the top of the water.
that beautiful swan was made to ~ float!!
how magnificent is that detail, i ask you??!

as i make my way home,
swan plumes in hand
i hear ~
"so do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself"
"be still, and know that I am!"


sharing today's musing with
Faded Charm's: White Wednesday

here's to gliding along!

Oct 4, 2011

...sheer whimsy

...hello my dears!

how would you fancy a cup of tea with me and a petite tale??


why splendid!

please, come sit right over here

at a special reserve table
most especially for you!!

as you smell this most lovely intoxicating fleur ~
magical things start to appear all around you...

don't be surprised if you should gaze upon
a lace winged butterfly fluttering by
they light to dance upon the lacy napkin edges!

and how absolutely enchanting
it would be 
if you were able
to see a fairy or two!

as these are just a few of the things you may see in the land of odds...

shall i light your candle??
everyone knows there is something magical about candlelight glow

perhaps it is the soft flickering light that entrances us...
i am not sure
have you ever seen a moon glow candle??

the fairies bring me just one
every year, they like to trade for some beautiful silk ribbons...

ah yes,
tea by moon glow is something very special indeed!

aren't you delighted that you stopped by?!

everywhere you turn
magic is present

wings...sparkly bling...

it's all here ~
waiting for you to discover!

and not to worry when your tea is finished

 ~ in the land of odds

you will always have an open seat upon your return:)


and that is the end of my very short tale!


sharing this whimsy post with
Faded Charm's: White Wednesday

here's to a magical cup of tea!