
Apr 18, 2013

...lovely adornments

hello dear hearts!
we are FINALLY getting a little spring sunshine and warmth
who-hoooo :)
can you tell that it makes my heart happy?!
to pass those cooler, dreary days away,
i have been designing a few jewelry adornments
for my sea wardrobe,
incorporating my hand dyed sea silk ribbons...
this heart shaped shell, complete with barnacles,
called out to me on etsy one day ~
and i just knew it would be lovely as a necklace!
so i gathered a few of my pretties
bits of lace, hand dyed silk ribbons, jacob's tear beads
pretty blue crystals, gemstones...
basically whatever struck my fancy:)
i started wire wrapping the jacob's tear beads
and went from there...
on the part that rests on the nape of your neck
i made an embellished stripe
so that when my hair is in an up do
it looks pretty too!
(my neck)
((hopefully my up do looks good too!))
(((but at the sea, there are NO promises!! it usually just frizzes out!!
like salty sea hair ~ LOL!!)))
((((hence, why i knew why my hair would be in an up do!!))))
adding bits and bobs of pretties...
 infusing vintage pieces when i can,
such as this tiny medal charm and rhinestone rondelle
i adore the finished piece...
and look forward to wearing it the next time at the sea :)
i guess you could say that
i really "love" it!!
 (tee, hee!)
i've also been experimenting with hand dyed ballet slippers...
and adorning them with whimsical pretties...
i call them my sea slippers...
i will be making a few pairs for sale, later on in the season.
here is a glass box of ear adornments i've been making too...
a pair for every day of the week!
and i know i'm not alone in this ~ 
i have a thing for mercury glass...
so when i spied this fabo bottle, wrapped in wire
i knew in an instant that it simply must be mine!!
(wouldn't you have?!)
i brought it home and adorned it with the tiniest brass cross pins
that i have ever seen...
i am collector of unique fancies...
when i was finished pinning all those crosses on,
i decided that some of them need a little bling
( perhaps you have figured it out by now, i love a bit of sparkle?!?)
i glued on some crystal rhinestones...
oh so lovely with a few sprigs of lilies of the valley fleurs!
and new in my etsy shop
for your springtime delight ~
are these cherry blossom fairies!
she carries a cherry blossom branch
and wears a crown of paper blossom blooms
her wing are iridescent and fully move able...
i hope the warm, spring sun is kissing all of you too!
next week,
i will be sharing my driftwood ladder...
hope to see you then!
sharing this post with:
common ground's: be inspired friday
french country cottage's: feathered nest friday
my romantic home's: show and tell friday
here's to lovely adornments!

Apr 4, 2013

...romantic plaster rose sculpture

...hello dear hearts ~ 
i am delighted that you have stopped by for a visit!

today's post is a tutorial

~ romantic plaster rose sculpture ~

~ purrrttty~
if you would like to make one too,
here is the list of your supplies
for a 20"x30" canvas board:
* approx. 36 pretty paper roses
mine are from this shop: ~Love Embellished~
to which you have sprayed over with white spray paint
this step is important
because it will give you a more sturdy rose shape
when you apply the plaster.
* a 20"x30" canvas wrapped board
* plaster of paris
* white gesso paint
* large craft paint brush
* glue gun/glue sticks
* spray glue
* clear glass glitter
begin by arranging your spray painted paper roses
onto the canvas board.
play with them until you are pleased with the look
and your board is covered.
now, hot glue them into place like so.
for the plaster of paris - mix according to package
i used approximately 2 cups
and thinned it down to like a melted milkshake consistency :)
now, simply start painting your paper roses.
 covering each one in the plaster of paris mixture.
buy the time you are finished covering them in the plaster,
start over, painting on the gesso paint until all roses are covered.
let dry flat, overnight.
once completely dried,
carefully take outside to spray on the spray glue.
evenly coat with glue
then sprinkle on your clear glass glitter for a subtle sparkle!
let dry before moving
and your romantic plaster rose sculpture is finished!
i recommend that you check to make sure
your canvas board has picture hooks on it.
not all of them come with them,
 so add them BEFORE your plaster work.
hang, and step back to look at your ~

romantic plaster rose sculpture!!


i hope you enjoyed this tutorial
and are inspired to make one of your very own!

sharing this post with:
common ground's: be inspired friday
french country cottage's: feathered nest friday
my romantic home's: show and tell friday
shabby art boutique's: shabbilicious friday 

here's to romantic paper roses!