
Oct 29, 2010

...The Gratitude Giveaway Girl!!

...Hello dear readers!
It's time to announce the Gratitude Giveaway Girl ~

... and the winner is ~

HOLD up!!!!!

I just have to tell all of you

Thank you for your visits,
 for following along,
for posting on your side bars...
for your sweet, supporting selves!

I truly wish I could award each and everyone 
of my dear readers a most fabulous prize:)

((deep, long sigh!))
but ~ I do offer the wanderlust musings of my hands
and my heart... 

I tried to load the random generator widget
as you don't see it here,
((not really sure what that means, I just know it's mad!))
You'll just have to take my word for it!
((maybe someone out there can fill me in on installing to my post??))

The happy # drawn is:
by my calculations
that is:

Congratulations my dear!!
(please email me your info)

Stop by Missy's fabulous french blog and see all her pretties!

and to all who entered but didn't win,
Not to worry!

November 28th is my 1 year blog-versary!!

and yes,

I have already started gathering delightful pretties
all for you! 

so keep reading and commenting dear ones!

Happiest All Hallows Eve weekend!!
May you all be happy and celebrate with your loved ones
with your favorite sweets in each hand!!!

here's to all of you!

Oct 28, 2010

...~ All Hallow's Eve Vintage Inspiration Table ~

Enter all
who wish to hear...
this short story that
Lizbeth wishes to share...

She is Princess of
~ Pretties of the past ~

and She will be the first to tell you,
that it's all gone way to fast!

Here today ~
& Gone tomorrow...

Don't live with regrets
or hearts full of sorrow.

But spread your wings
and learn to fly ~

Believe in your dreams,

You have to try!
and NEVER give up
even when you hear them say

Give it up girl, find some other way...

Raise your glass
and salute all that you have today ~

and walk in gratefulness

for the rest of your live long days.

For Lizbeth says
that if this you do

the blackbirds will fly by
and not attack you...


Happiest Vintage Inspiration Friday!

Joining along the table setting party
hosted by Debra over at Common Ground
Stop by and see all that awaits you...

here's to Lizbeth's story!

p.s. a few wee hours are left to enter the Gratitude Giveaway here

Oct 26, 2010

...white washed wings and hydrangea faeries

...hello dear readers!!
I wonder,
have any of you
ever seen

a hydrangea flower faerie??

They only come out when it rains you know.

Do you think
 that this is how they wash their lovely wings?
and all their beautiful colors,
 wash away ~
into a pool of shimmering water
Later to rise again
in the form of a rainbow.

I've heard you can catch a fairy...
by pinching her wings at the back ~

...but with my luck
they would tear off as she struggled to fly away!
I'm soooo not going to be responsible
 for yet another set of tattered wings.
My tattered wings are quite enough ~ 
thank you very much!

The weekend at the coast was WET!!
For three days
and three nights it rained,
and rained,
and rained some more!!


I was on a mission!!

a sneak peak of what I've been up to...
soon to be revealed!

I'm sharing this over at Kathleen's
Faded Charm Cottage
Stop by and see her fabulous new blog make over,
and all the other inspiring w.w. post pretties!


there is still time dear ones...

to enter the The Gratitude Giveaway

here's to wellies for puddle jumpin` in the rain!!!

Oct 21, 2010

...Mary, did you know??

...vintage lace delights


photoshop work ahead

I'm hooked!!
~ and there's noooo turning back now

~ Mary, Did you know? ~

~photoshop-ed image~

~original image~

my instant collection of french lace holy card items...

~photoshop-ed image~

~original image~

Now I realize,
 that this look is not for everyone,
but I simply adore the vintage feel of these reworked photo's.
I used to hand tint black and white or sepia photos
very meticulous work I tell ya`!
but baby, this is sooo much easier...
welll kinda,

I'll keep practicing!!

But for now,
I'm going to look at these
oh-so-beautiful bottles
that I have simply fallen in love with...

I knew immediately that these beauties
would be the inspiration for my christmas theme this year!

You can find your very own collection over at 
etsy shop

but you better hurry ~
these are selling like chocolate chip hotcakes!!!

I'm sharing this over at Debra's

may the inspirations never cease!!

here's to vintage lace delights!

Oct 19, 2010 gown ribbons ~ oh yes I did!!

Hello dear ones...
my White Wednesday posts won't get any whiter than this ~
for today, is my wedding anniversary!

an·ni·ver·sa·ry   (ăn'É™-vûr'sÉ™-rÄ“)
The annually recurring date of a past event,
a celebration commemorating personal importance.

I look at this number and take pause:



20 years??
Can't be,
In some ways
 it feels like this was soooo long ago...

and yet,
If I close my eyes,
it feels like just yesterday
 that I walked down that aisle,
covered in gardenia's and roses,
to merge our two hearts
and join in spirit with my beloved...

we are two of a kind

a pair

but oh-SO-different!!

I love this journey we are traveling together.
Life with my love has been beyond my happiest dreams.
Not that there haven't been hurdles...
Have there been hurdles!!!
~ and many a times I felt like riding off into the sunset ~
on a ducati...
like maybe to Hawaii??!!

obviously, I haven't
(and not because I don't actually own a ducoti
or the fact I have never been on one in my life either!!)

((note to self, add to bucket list ~ Ride on a Ducati to Hawaii.))

I haven't because...
read this and see...

~ Loves Journey ~
Run your fingers through my soul, beloved,
and trace the love for you that resides there ~
Tie your ribbons of hopes around my life,
ribbons of your dreams
the ribbons of all your strife's...
I desire all that you are
in happiness
in sorrow
~ For it is when I look into your eyes
that I see a reflection of the 
woman I aspire to be...
because of your patience,
your adoration,
your authentic love.
See the waves of joy wash over me
...covering every part of my very core 
anticipating what's to come,
but already knowing
there is no one other than you, my beloved
that I choose to share this journey of life with.

p.s. I love you


`scuse me while I mop up the floor....

where was I??

I've started a class for photoshop over at:
Kim Klassen Cafe
trying to learn all the technical concepts.
btw ~ she's having a gratitude giveaway this week too :)
so if you've ever wanted to try photoshop, go enter
she's giving away classes!!!

The first top two photos are done in photoshop using her instruction ~
These are my very first attempts...

These next few pictures are just straight up shots:
it's going to take me awhile to just whip them up!!!

This one is of my wedding day crown
hand cut ribbons out of a vintage satin wedding gown!

NO ~ not my gown...
but I imagine it was originally oh-so-lovely.
I've been making some cuffs and necklaces out of the top of it,
the bottom was big enough for me to cut many beautiful satin ribbons.
Today I will be hand dyeing a few more of these silk and satin ribbons ~

for on Friday,
we are off for a weekend getaway to the sea,
for these glorious ribbons last dyeing step...
I call it the kiss of Neptune!

I'll be showing you those next week :)

I've linked up with Kathleen's
~ White Wednesday ~

Stop by and see all the pretty posts!! 

~ and if you haven't entered "The Gratitude Giveaway",
sign up on the previous post!

here's to ribbons of love!

Oct 14, 2010

...The Gratitude Giveaway!

... a bag of gratefulness

I sometimes find that words are often inadequate
 to communicate all that I feel in my heart...

today, here is my humble attempt ~

While I was putting together this special giveaway,
silent moments were spent,


sewing and creating my gifts of gratitude
with my own hands
and reflective heart...

wondering if maybe you would be delighted with the results...

this week, I've been looking at this quote
~ allowing it to absorb and wash over me
and hopefully to spill onto
When we become more fully aware that our success
 is due in large measure to
the loyalty,
and encouragement
we have received from others,
our desire grows to pass on similar gifts.
Gratitude spurs us on to prove ourselves worthy of what others have done for us.
The spirit of gratitude is a powerful energizer.”
 — Wilferd A. Peterson

thank you, Wilferd!

Your eloquent ribbon of words,
conveys my heart today!

For all of YOU ~ dear readers!

I am grateful for ALL of YOU
 for taking the time in your busy lives to stop buy for a visit
and leave me your kind thoughts
cultivating this gift of blogging friendships ~
it has made me desire to be a better woman...
and to continue to present my authentic self
and share my gifts with you...

did someone say ~ GIFTS??!!
oh yes please!!

Like right now!!

...before I need a tissue...
joy sniffle, joy sniffle

it's time for a giveaway!

 I am calling this

~ The Gratitude Giveaway!! ~

...would you like to see what is in my pretty pink bag?!

let's see,

what have we here??
a set of "Once upon a time" tags...
yes, I DO have carriages on the brain!!
and I smell something DE-VINE!!

look what else my hand pulled out,
two lavender dryer sachets!!!
You are going to just love how these make your sheets and towels smell!
I made them out of super soft rosebud flannel...

hey lady,
show us what else??

alright already ~
I offer...
only this humble
 lavish bar of olive oil and lavender soap!!

~ and ~

to dry your hands off...

how about these TWO, ruffled flour sack hand towels
with a lovely tattered vintage image, hhhmmmm???

and of course,
 you simply must have one of these...

a petite pear carriage
small enough to put somewhere you'd like a little fairytale charm...

what do you think??

you want more??
tough crowd, tough crowd!


but this is my

and if you like vintage,
you just may be interested...

~ an apron...

soft and worn...
ready to take on anything
maybe not that bowl of chocolate brownie batter...

my favorite part is this vintage lace doily pocket
it's a perfect shade of creamy white!!
I all but shrieked with delight when I found it
it was rectangle
perfect for a pocket!!
It matched the bottom lace hem.
I also gave this apron, satin sash ties,
as a little luxury in our lives is important
~ everyday ~

all this,
 tucked within this cute pink jute shopping bag
featuring another wonderful tattered vintage image
of a plumed crown

I also gave it a shabby chic fabric ruff sewn around the top
and tied it off with a bow and a rosette that you can pin it where ever you'd like!!
I think you will like carrying this "green bag" on your little shopping trips!

So what do you think my dears??
Would you like to play along and enter my
Gratitude Giveaway??
here are the giveaway details:
* Leave a comment on this post for ~One~ chance to win...

* Leave another comment and let me know if you are a dear reader ~
 weather you are a brand new reader or treasured loyal reader
you will have a ~Second~ chance to win...

* Grab a picture as my giveaway button and link it on your sidebar
 leave another comment to let me know for a ~Third~ chance to win...

* Blog about it then come back and 
 leave me a comment for a ~fourth~ chance to win...

 all my dear readers ~  near and far can enter!
 a "random generator" winner will be announced on October 28th

so what are you waiting for???
comment away!!
today I will be joining Debra for:

as fall is a season of gratitude,
and there is a vintage apron...
and the inspiration part
well, that's all up to you...

here's to YOU dear readers!!

Oct 12, 2010

...musical pears and a paper pumpkin carriage tutorial

...hello dear readers!

Today I will be sharing with you
 a tutorial of
how to make your very own,

~ paper pumpkin carriage ~

Here is the bare minimum list of supplies that you will need:
*a paper mache pumpkin
*mod podge (I use the matte finish)
*paint brush or foam brush
*vintage sheet music

(later, you will see what I mean about minimum supplies...)

Shall we get started?

First, I like to hand tare my sheet music into strips
and place them into a dish of warm water

I find that when they are hand torn as opposed to cutting
they will receive the water better.
I also soak them because it makes them a little more pliable
and I don't have to use as much mod podge.

Next, place a piece of waxed paper or parchment paper
or even a silpat, under your work space.
It is important to use only these as opposed to like let's say,
Trust me!!
There is nothing worse than anticipating a lovely covered pumpkin,
only to find that once it has dried
and you go to remove it from the newspaper, 
that it has dried actually stuck to the Sunday funnies!! 

I don't think you will be laughing...

Now start applying a good coat of mod podge to your paper mache pumpkin  

after you've covered the entire area,
start placing your soaked paper strips around
the pumpkin.

keep your mod podge and brush handy
as you will need to keep applying it as you go around
and the paper covers the other strips.

keep wrapping until you are happy with how it looks.

When you happy with how it looks and feel you have finished,
go over the entire pumpkin again with a final coat of mod podge.

Don't be afraid to use your hands to smooth as you go...

Now you can do any shape you like! 

Like say ~ these pears...

these cracked, not so lovely pears,
 will become ~ 

covered in musical notes!

By using the same process as the pumpkin.
and yes,
you COULD stop here ~

and wait for them to dry
and be happy with their new look...

you should know me by now,
and this was just day ONE!

(This is what I meant by the bare minimum supplies.)

Now it would be nice if you could just roll right into applying
this next step,
but it is important to let your music strips dry overnight.


Day Two:
~ adding the lace ~

1st ~ prepare your work space like before
2nd ~ run your piece of lace under water and get it wet,
then place it in a glass dish and pour some mod podge over it.
Squeeze it all through the lace,

add more if your lace doesn't feel covered enough.
It should feel like you covered your lace in yogurt!
For this next step,
use a plastic to-go container to raise the pumpkin up off of the waxed paper.
This is so the lace can hang down beyond the base of the pumpkin.
Now, drape the lace over the entire pumpkin,
pinching it up on the sides as if you were pulling a curtain back.
Play with it until you are happy with how it looks.
Now take a needle and thread
and just basically stitch through the side gathers,
this will ensure your "curtain" will dry just as you wish.
Do all four sides.
Two in the front,
two in the back.

Fluff your lace around the top of your carriage
and fan out the bottom sides.
When it is dry, it will be stiff but still pliable, just not moveable.

I couldn't resist!!
I did the pears that way too :)

...for tiny pear carriages!!!

using the same process as before and
again, let these dry overnite.

Day Three:
~ embellishing ~

I love to use rhinestone buckles for the carriage doors!
It looks so romantic...

For this next step, use a buckle of your choice.
Draw an outline of your buckle in pencil on the front of your pumpkin.

Use an ex-acto knife and carefully cut where you have outlined your buckle shape.
Here, I am using the Versa-Tool, with the hot knife tip attachment.
If you have never used one of these all I can say is
that it cuts most anything like butter!!
Not necessary, just a little easier and it gives a little smoother cut...

go all the way around your shape and once it is cut,
remove the outlined piece.

Now glue on your buckle.
I like to use liquid nails in clear.
It's almost like instant gratification!
~ but, use your favorite glue,
and allow your carriage door to dry.
I lay my pumpkin on it's side overnight.
Unless you want your elegant carriage door to slide off!!

The next step ~ you will need some wooden wheels.
Attach them to wooden dowel rods.
Then paint them the color of your choice.
Once dry,
put them under your pumpkin carriage, to see where you want to glue them.
Hot glue these to the base of your carriage.

I used a leftover piece of lace to cover the bottom
and one of my lace Ozma tags.

Now you can add whatever you would like to decorate your carriage!

Here, I used some silk fabric butterflies,
rhinestone button pullbacks,
and grunge dyed ribbons and roses!

Here is the finished pumpkin carriage!
What do you think??

...a silver tray full of pretties.
See the mini pear carriages??

I couldn't find any wheels small enough that I was happy with.
They where all to chunky.
So I settled upon these vintage bells as this is a magical music carriage!!
I also used cameos in place of the rhinestone buckles for these.
Mostly because these pears were styrofoam,
so I needed something to cover the entire hole.

This is a bottle that I covered in lace and then embellished
with grunge dyed roses and ribbons.
I made the tag out of some lace that I mod podged,
but then layed it flat on the wax paper so I could then cut it out like paper.
I then sewed on a lovely, silk Da Vinci women image
and added a cotton ribbon rose out of the same grunged ribbon.

added a few silk butterflies...

in the back I added a swirly mother-of-pearl button
and a piece of lace and silk
and one final silk butterfly!!

There you have it!
A few pretties covered in lace ~

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial,
and if you make a pumpkin carriage, I'd really love to see it!!

Happy White Wednesday!!

I'm linking up with Kathleen
Stop by and see a few more inspiring souls!


On Friday,
I will reveal a giveaway...

until then ~
here's to mod podged lace pretties!