
May 17, 2011

...petal pusher...

it's true ~


as in flower petals!

and i have my absolute favorites,
as i'm sure do all of you.

it has been cold and rainy here...
just look how these delicate petals take it!!


they are almost luminous,
are they not??

and how about these
"girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes"


oh yes,
these are a few of my favorite things!


and if you casually sniff a rose
in your garden one day,
and pulled back a petal or two,

would you be surprised to find a flower fairy
hidden within??

i, myself, am always looking for such things...

 why just look!
i found this tiny fairy girl
 taking refuge under a few petals
to keep her wings dry.
she was pretty well hidden,
i spied her just the same!

and doesn't she look to have made herself quite comfortable? 
she has even hung a petite chandie!!

clever fairy...


beautiful petals don't always have to be real ~
sometimes they are made out of vintage linen too...

i tried to collect that clever flower fairy for my handmade cloche
she was having NO PART of that
and got away!!
i told her it was just for a picture
and she said:
yah right, 
i've heard that before!!

now you will just have to settle for a few shell hearts
and dried up sea moss instead...


i made this petite fairy cloche
i WILL collect one!

((and of course, i'll let her go again))

(((probably, maybe)))

it is out of a marble candlestick holder
and a small saucer plate from germany.
i simply glued them together with a bit of "liquid nails"
and added a glass cloche
which just happens to be an upside down
candle holder
~ all pieces are from the thrift store! 

you just never know what inspiration the rain will bring :)


i'm sharing this with:
what an accomplishment for Kathleen
as that is a lot of work to keep this party going every week!
She is also having a giveaway, so stop by and join the fun!
and also joining:
Kim Klassen's Cafe: Texture Tuesday
today's challenge was something vintage.
for my vintage linen and fairy cloche picture i used her new
"pour vous" texture.

get out there and smell the flowers...
and look for a flower fairy hidden beneath your flower petals!

here's to petal pusher whimsy!


  1. Beautiful Roses Rosemary, and happy WW to you. Ciao Rita mammabellarte

  2. I just had to take a picture of the raindrops on my rose petals today too!! Just too pretty to pass up :)

    I love the little fairy you spied ;P

  3. chere rosemary..your posts are always so dreamy and heavenly. they take me to another place mon amie. i just adore your way with words and your photographs always take my breath away! sigh....

  4. Those are lovely images but I especially love the little fairy under the petals! How sweet that is:)

  5. I have red roses blooming...and fairies love roses! ♥

  6. Such delightful pretties to take in, Rosemary. I think the fairies love where they live, even if they were caught in your gorgeous cloche.
    Thanks for the beauty all these WW's!
    - Susan

  7. I love your beautiful white roses~

  8. Do butterflies count? I see them all the time in my backyard and they melt my heart. I stop whatever I am doing and give them a wink.

    Good Luck signs I'm sure, fairies and butterflies.

    Beautiful post, dreamy as always. xox Rhonda

  9. I so enjoyed your post today and appreciate your offer for another item. I've had a few others offer and I felt I needed to end it somewhere(not to mention tryingto cram it all in a Flat rate box). I would, however, love to promote a giveaway if you choose to do a "White" one on your blog for WW someday. Let me know:-)


  10. Very pretty...I love white roses :)

  11. So beautiful! You're making me very jealous. I'm still in a rental with no beauty inside or out. I'm back from a vacation and I'm getting back to house hunting. If only I could find a girly, beautiful house like yours. Sigh!

  12. Oh I love finding other kindred spirits who believe in faeries too Rosemary! I just have to believe that they are playing in my garden and are thankful to the gardener who has made a home for them to thrive in.
    I loved this post sooo much!
    sending hugs...

  13. Such beautiful images! You have a gorgeous blog!

  14. Oh Rosemary, This post is incredibly beautiful!
    I'm loving that I may find a fairy as I pull back the petals on my are such a talented gift of inspiration for all of us!
    Happy White Wednesday!

  15. love the images that I saw, but have admit I skipped through because I find music on blogs annoying - it clahses with the music I choose to play while blog hopping

  16. Those vintage linen flowers are stunning. I love your cloche! I make them using the same thrift treasures. So fun. Love rescuing forgotten pieces. I shared your Etsy shop today in my WW post since I was showcasing my ex votos in a shadow box I found for today's post. Visit if you get a chance!

  17. How lucky you are to have spied that fairy! She is adorable even if she doesn't always cooperate! Your photos are aways gorgeous... I'm hoping to have roses bloom this year right now along with my bushes of lilacs I have quite a few buds on my peony bushes! Lucky me! xoxoxo

  18. Hi Rosemary,
    Your post is pure delight, I can't wait for roses here! I hope they come with lovely Faries:-)
    Happy White Wedneday,

  19. Love the marble stand with the very pretty

  20. Hi dear,
    Such a feast coming here alwayes,-just to look at your beautiful white roses- your beautiful fairi girl-and handmade roses- and the "out of nothing" made wonderful stand with the cloche - all and everything, is fantastic, to watch.


be kind ~ be graceful ~ be beautiful ~ be you!