
Dec 9, 2010

...fairy lights ~ a tutorial

hello my sweet's!!

I've been dancing around with the sugarplum fairies
sprinkling a little holiday magic here and there!

Today I will be sharing a tutorial on how to make these ~

I call them fairy lights!

Few supplies are needed to create these ethereal little light garlands!

~ and they truly are oh-so-lovely anywhere you plug them in at!

So grab your pen and pretty paper for your list of supplies
and let's get started:)
~ supplies ~

*a set ((or two!)) of these - 20 light strands
I like them because the wires are white and I can use this garland year round!!

*These are small bon-bon cups
((or mini candy cups, but I like the way bon-bon's sound better!!))
you don't need the whole bag of them...
unless you are making garlands for a party or wedding!!
I like to use these as they are more translucent than the
mini cupcake liners.

*pretty little flowers
you will need 1 per light so if your strand is a twenty lighter,
you will then need 20 flower heads!
I buy mine at the Dollar Tree,
and are just perfect for this project.
((yes, you can find pretty supplies there too!!))
they come 6 to a stem
and already have a soft vintage feel to them!!
You could even tea dye these if you wished.
But I like the creamy white color
so today that's what I will be using!

* you will also need your favorite glue gun and of course some glue sticks!

step 1:
take apart all the flowers you will need for your light strand

you won't need these sputnik centers,
but my kitty sure does like to bat them around!!
here kitty, kitty!!
Look what Sandy Clause brought you ~ LOL!! 

step 2:
cut through one side of the base of the flower bottom

like so

repeat for all flower bases.

step 3:
cut 3 small slits in the center of each petal

like this.
These you will be sliding over the lights.
repeat for all flower petals

take a hold of your light

slide the flower base bottom around the base of the light

place a dab of hot glue to secure in place

step 5:
put a dot of glue on the bottom already in place and slide one of your flower petals over the light
down to the flower base.

dot this petal with hot glue and slide down another petal.

step 6:
dot the petal with glue
only this time
push through one of the bon-bon wrappers down over the light

push it down until it meets the petals

step 7:
squeeze all petals ever so lightly while the glue is still warm
to shape your flower

I like to kinda twist the bon-bon wrapper around the light a little to resemble a stamen!

and viola!!
one fairy light done!
now repeat these steps again
until you have a whole glorious stand of

~ Fairy Lights!! ~ 

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial!

I am sharing this over at Debra's
where you will find more elves creative inspirations!!

here's to flower petals and a glue gun!


  1. Brilliant! They look absolutely fabulous.

  2. These are so exquisite. Thank you for showing how you made them.

  3. Love it, Rosemary. Thanks for the tutorial, now if I can find my little flowers from the Dollar Store I'll be set!

  4. This is a gorgeous idea Rosemary!!!! The garland is so beautiful and romantic! I have to try!!!
    Happy week end!

  5. What a sweet and creative idea.They are useful in so many way to dress up a room.Thanks for taking the time to share.Have a bright day..Chickie

  6. Just gorgeous... thanks for sharing!!!
    Blessings~~ Daphne

  7. These Are Gorgeous !!! Definitely going to have to work these into our designs ..

    Thanks for sharing ..

    Blessings ..Sara

  8. That is one great idea ! My head is spinning right now with a million variations,thanks so much for being so inspirational.

  9. Rosemary, These are the sweetest little light garlands imaginable! LOVE them, and I really want to try them, Thanks so much for sharing all this beauty for VIF!!
    lots of love,

  10. Oh I am SO going to try this! Thanks for sharing!

  11. so enchanting mon amie! J'adore! did you see my last blog post? did you spy your ex votos on my mantle candles??? J'adore them too!

  12. I absolutely LOVE this idea! And I would love being surrounded by fairy lights! Hugs to you! ♥

  13. have I told you lately how much I adore you??? And this is just one of the many, many reasons why dear Rosemary! I have wanted to make one of these for so long. You made me think that I just may be able to pull it off. Beautiful pictures! Beautiful life!

  14. Gorgeous lights Rosemary!! I love them and can't wait to try it!! Thanks so much for sharing the tutorial!

  15. It's a crazy, mixed up post (foggy flu head) but I posted about your ex voto tags, Rosemary. Have a great weekend.

  16. Oh Rosemary,

    Just beautiful. I am going to have to make another strand now so I can try out this method.


  17. Precious!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! Thank you so very much! HUGS!

  18. Thanks sweet Rosemary,-such a lovely tutorial, and the end result, looks gorgeus.

  19. So beautiful.....
    love it love it...
    Fine weekend my dear

  20. Awwww! Rosemary,
    You are way to kind, and want to thank you for your beautiful visit to my place.
    You know you are a great source of inspiration, and your beauty shows through it.

    See you soon, keep inspiring us.

  21. Dear Rosemary,

    A Winter Wonderland inspiration for others while
    under the weather yourself !
    Truly an inspiration to all !
    Please take care and rest.
    xoxo Mia

  22. Love these! Thank you for sharing the how to. I have bookmarked these to visit later, a must add to my studio, thanks for such a charming idea!

  23. What a DARLING year round idea!! I call these fairy lights too. They would look lovely in the Summer as well!

  24. This garland is just so lovely! Thank you for sharing! I am now following you on GFC. Come visit when you have time! God bless and Merry Christmas.

  25. Sweet, Rosemary! Love the softness of these lights. I'm definitely trying some this year! Hugs!

    xoxo laurie

  26. The lights are very pretty and it's so nice that you shared how to make them. Your blog is beautiful so I will come back for a visit again and also check out your esty for special goodies. Blessing to you.


be kind ~ be graceful ~ be beautiful ~ be you!