
Nov 8, 2011

...the first snowfall

it is true!

it is that time of year again,
when you could be covered by
a blanket of snow at any time

the first of the season is always the best.

always the most beautiful.

and always the most sparkliest!

last week, i showed you my silent night/holy night mirror.
this week, i've been putting together the table beneath it.

and adding ~ first snow ~ magic to our family room...

my candelabra

decorated with paper feathers, crystals
and silk wrapped candles

see my beautiful santos?
doesn't she look cold??!

not to worry
i've been working on her skirt and crown.
although they aren't ready yet,
but i am using a nuno felting technique

and i fear after i am done with here skirt and crown,
i made need one for me!

they are that lovely!!

a vignette in front of my fireplace...
notice the ruffly curtain there?
behind it is our tv ~
out of sight!!

beautiful lace candles i have been creating...

and there is my olive tree:)

behind that curtain are books...

here is the table beneath my mirror

this week i have been trying out my Annie Sloan chalk paint

i LOVE her paint!!

on this table, i used french linen as the base
and then painted over that with a color i call marshmallow
which is 2 parts of the bright white with 1 part of old white.
after it was all dry, i sanded it a little to let the french linen show.
then i waxed it

oh my is it smooth and lovely!

i stash my pretty tablecloths in baskets beneath this table,
utilizing precious storage space.

here is a stencil flourish i added...

i love how it turned out!

the color is just gorgeous.

and when i found this velvet fabric panel thrifting one day,
i knew it would make a perfect runner.

do you think i added too many ruffles??

now for the top vignette

my jeanne d'arc style spin...
mary, an arched mirror and a cross

a large glass hurricane candle
filled with real swan feathers,
a length of my wired pearls twisted around the top
and one of petite michelle's pretties hanging in the front:)

my "nordic" candle holder

candle wrapped in silk
oohhh  so pretty!

and a mercury glass cake stand
draped with these lovely treasures!


well, that's all for this white wednesday!

come see what other inspiring ideas are over at
Faded Charm's: White Wednesday
My Shabby Streamside Studio's: Holiday Decor Showcase 

here's to the first snowfall!


  1. You have so many beautiful touches in here, I don't know where to start. Love the candelabra, and the lace sprinkled around. You did a wonderful job on the table. The stencil looks like it was meant to be there.

  2. So sweet & graceful, dear Rosemary!



  3. Hi Rosemary,
    Excuse me while I re-read your post....I just can't seem to get enough of taking it all in! Everything is so soft, romantic and peaceful. I'm in love with your pretty table and the vingette you've created. It's all so beautiful.


  4. Absolutely beautiful! Love your candelabra.

  5. oh my that table turned out great! I think i need to break down and buy some of that Annie Sloan paint! NEVER too many ruffles!!

  6. What a visual feast you have here! Love those lace filled baskets under the table. And everthing else. . . .

  7. As usual, I spent about 1/2 hour looking, oohing and ahhing over your post, Rosemary. :) It's all so very beautiful! Love all the ruffles. ♥ And that stencil on the table looks just perfectly vintage. :) Wonderful job on your "floofing", sweetie!

    xoxo laurie

  8. Your photos are always sooo dreamy to me. Love your table makeover and have not tried this paint everyone is talking about yet.

    Enjoy your "snow".


  9. Everything is absolutely fabulous...Gorgeous treasures. BTW, we have already had our first snowfall, 3 days ago...Thanks for sharing these beautiful items. I am already a follower. Join me if you have not already, would love to have you.

  10. It all looks so great !!!...seize the

  11. All your gorgeous photos make me *sigh* Rosemary!! Beautiful~

  12. Wow, everything is so gorgeous and dreamy looking...ethereal is the word I think:) I wish I could hide our t.v. behind a curtain!!! I don't know if hubby would go for it but I sure would:)

  13. Beautiful as always and I really like your new header.

  14. I wouldn't mind snow any old day if I could spend a snowfall in your lovely room! I am taking it all in and oh, such loveliness! You are a master at vignettes, Rosemary. So JDL and heavenly. I just love how you painted that table and the stencil - gorgeous!!!
    Thank you so much for all your inspiration,

  15. Everything looks so lovely Rosemary!

    Happy Fall!

  16. everything is so lovely rosemary! so Jeanne d'arc and worthy of publication in its' VERY pages! i especially ADORE the vignette on your stenciled table. it makes me want to "speaks" to me so! ;)

  17. As usual, you've outdone yourself with this beautiful post... your home is looking so peaceful, serene and magical.

  18. Dear Rosemary!
    Thank you so much for another post with beautiful pictures of your romantic world!
    I always enjoy looking at them.
    And thank you so much for linking up my giveaway!
    XO, your german friend, Julia


be kind ~ be graceful ~ be beautiful ~ be you!