
Apr 18, 2014

...a weeping jasmine tree and my Passover table

...hello my dears!
my, but it has been a few weeks since my last post!!

i have been deep in meditation
and practicing yoga

 it has been an amazing first few months
and i find myself asking ~
why haven't i been practicing this physical art form all along?!
 but more on that in a later post! 

as for today ~
i like to share with you,
 my weeping jasmine tree
 Easter/Passover table :)

i have been seeking elements for my mediation room

i simply adore jasmine
and wished for a silk jasmine tree for that space
 but as you may have already guessed

ah, yah no!
NONE to be found!!

as you may also have surmised
that never stops me!
what i can't lay my hands on,
i simply create...

in the above photo,
 you can see i already had the structure for my weeping jasmine
in that weeping cherry tree.

it was as simple as swapping out the cherry blossoms
with these pretty jasmine flower ones,
 replacing hundreds of buds...

slowly, my weeping jasmine began to bloom!!

whew! almost there!!

my finished weeping jasmine tree!

i placed it in a lovely pot
added a sheet of moss,
of course,
scented it with jasmine essential oil... 

i ~ LOVE ~ how it turned out!!
don't you?!?

here is my (almost set) Easter/Passover table...

i say almost set,
as i have yet to place the silverware on :)

i removed the chair covers for a different look
and redesigned my window dressing.
they are made from a satin wedding dress!!

i wanted an elegant tablescape
so i chose to use lilies, crystal and white plates... 

i enjoy the preceding days before Holy Sunday,
taking my time to iron my tablecloth and linen napkins,
lovingly placing each setting
anticipation a day of blessed fellowship with my dear loved ones...

on top on the plates
i placed a little of iridescent shreds
and added a white chocolate cross and lamb
and an iridescent cellophane bag of jordan almonds...  

i made a tray of them for favors...
my kitchen has smelled like willy wonka's chocolate factory all week!!

when the sun is shining,
this room glows...

a few of you may remember my topiary lambie from
this post ~

this year, i adorned her head with a crown of lily of the valley florets
and placed a crystal cross beside her...
simple elegance

oh and look! there is the weeping jasmine tree :)

and a plate of lemon lamb cookies
 with little bells and crosses tied around their necks!
these have been a tradition in our family from when i was a little girl...

would you like one?!?

 wishing all of you a most blessed time
with your loved ones this Holy Sunday!!


sharing this post with:
common ground's: be inspired friday
french country cottage's: feathered nest friday
shabby art boutique's: shabbilicious friday
my romantic home's: show and tell Friday


For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, 
that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16
New International Version (NIV)