
Nov 3, 2011

...step into the light...

...m. i. a.
(missing in action)

that's me
that's about the sum of it!

without all the blah, blah, blah
cause i don't even want to hear it!
we are in a flux in our transition back to Ohio
i'm not sure how, when or where.
everything is up in the air ~
hence my lack of posting.

can we say
d-i-s-t-r-a-c-t-e-d much?

so what's a girl to do
when her snow globe is all in a flurry???

she must step into the light or course!!

 i will walk into the light...
 upon entering ~
 a most graceful hand of friendship has been extended

 life's load is always easier to carry with even one more pair of  hands...
and i am grateful...

and because of that grateful heart ~
it is easier to seek the joys in every day
quietly pondering,
as i use my gifts to make pretties to share with all of you...
while i wait for the flurries to clear

for everyone knows that
it is only with a quiet soul
that you can hear the the direction
 in which you need to go...

 jeanne d'arc style wrapping paper i've been working on while pondering...
(don't look mom!!)
won't packages with this
 be lovely with a luscious silk ribbon tied around them?!

walking, walking...

ahhhh yes,
and as i step into the light ~

you may remember seeing these fairy lights in the past

i adore using them all around my home all year long.
but most especially for the holidays!
as who doesn't love some delicate twinkle??
(i do! i do!)

this is a 100 count light set
to which i have added flowers to
in an every other one pattern
using this tutorial found
as a guide line
i then used tiny paper nut liners for the every other "buds"
2 paper cups,  per light
just using hot glue around the stem of the each light
twisting the paper liners on

are they not lovely??

they give off such a delightful ethereal glow...

in the coming weeks,
i will be sharing with you
the little touches i am using to decorate my home
for the holidays.

some of you may not want to think about this yet,
but some of the pretties i will be showing you need a little creative time
need to be ordered ahead of time.
so by sharing these things with you now,
you will have plenty of time to decorate when you are ready!

let's say this
"silent night ~ holy night" mirror cling

which just so happens to be my holiday decorating "theme" this year
i LOVE how it turned out!
you can find them

very affordable and
they are very easy to apply!

just look at how much whimsy it added!!

love, Love, LOVE it!!

next week,
i will be revealing my giveaway
(tee, hee)
i will give you a hint
can you say "dreamy"??

see you then!

sharing this post with:
My Shabby Streamside Studio's: Holiday Decor Showcase
French Country Cottage's: Feathered Nest Friday
Freckled Laundry's: Air Your Laundry Friday
Romantic Home's: Show and Tell Friday
Vintage Farmhouse's: Creative Things Thursday

here's to stepping into the light!


  1. Hi Rosemary,
    Sorry that you are in transition but it sounds like you are patiently making the best of it.

    Love all your pretty lights and loveliness that you so effortlessly spread around.


  2. beautiful as always Rosemary... I just love those fairy lights, I can only imagine how lovely they are in person! t. xoxoxoxo

  3. EXCITED...oh yes I am....a beautiful post!

  4. You make my heart sing with this beautiful post, Rosemary! Fairy lights, how levely.....sigh.

    Thank you for linking this fabulous creative post to Potpourri Friday!

  5. a lovely post and so well said, yes, only with a quiet soul. thanks for sharing!

  6. Beautiful as always. Love the wrapping paper and the lights. Dreamy. I know what it's like to have your snow globe in a flurry. Best wishes for a smooth transition.

  7. Beautiful new blog banner. And those twinkle lights are divine. So are you moving now? will you be spending Christmas on West or East coast? moving is such hard work. Blessings your way. ox

  8. Only you sweets could have such a beautiful post when you are in a state of flux. Can't wait to see your tresors!


  9. Hi Rosemary, I am sorry that your life is so up in the air, you seem to be handling it the best that you can.
    I will be excited to see your new place of shelter and all the beauty you create around your new place :)

    I love the lights it's so you with all the magic you create.
    Take your time and settle in we will be here waiting for all the inspiring beauty you create and share with us.

    Have a beautiful weekend let it inspire some calm.

  10. I've been thinking about you, Rosemary. I hope things aren't too 'distracting' lately with your Ohio plans. I love your beautiful Mother Mary - from Michelle? She is so sweet. Your peeks into Christmas delights are a feast for my eyes. I love this time of year!
    Oh, and I turned to the Wendy Addison article in the latest Nov/Dec Victoria magazine and couldn't help but think of you at the first page. Did you see it? You must, must get a copy!
    Love Susan

  11. You are moving to OHIO????? Is it anywhere near me in MICHIGAN?? hee hee
    BEAUTIFUL photos as always!!
    Sandi@Wayside Treasures

  12. such a beautiful post sweet rosemary. your soul's desire and faith come shining through. i am touched by your friendship....i admire your strength! you are a beautiful soul mon amie! je t'adore!

  13. Your posts are always such an oasis! Are you moving to Ohio? I live in Ohio.

  14. I'm actually very glad that you're moving closer to me, Rosemary! lol! I know that moving can be a very trying time....but I'm happy to see that you're keeping your chin up and looking at the bright side! I always always always look forward to seeing what beautiful craft project you've been working on, sweetie! Now, I must try out making those pretty fairy lights. ♥ Take some time to settle in to your new home knowing that we'll be waiting here for you! Wish I was there to help!

    xoxo laurie

  15. Oh Rosemary dearest,

    TALK ABOUT ETHEREAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My GOODNESS you are magical. AND THANK YOU for coming to my post to spread your sweet words...I must look at this fairy light tutorial dearest, I need light in my home in many ways as I can get!!!! LOVE TO YOU, Anita


  17. OMG LOOK AT THIS CARRIAGE....I better run, before my husband finds that I am taking too many ideas here to fill our home with! BLESSINGS TO YOU! Anita

  18. What a beautiful oasis pf peace. Thank you for your thoughts, your ideas and your lovely music. I love to stop in and forget how special you are!

  19. I'm completely inspired!! Thank you for this :)

  20. Hi Rosemary!! Oh goodness- you are moving to Ohio? We have to try and connect before you leave the area!! Your inspirations are gorgeous as always- thanks for sharing at my party! :)

  21. Your fairy lights are gorgeous...I love that you added petals to them. I have a short strand on my bedside table sans petals. Wishing you a smooth transition back to Ohio. xo Jami


be kind ~ be graceful ~ be beautiful ~ be you!