
Jan 27, 2011

...french flower basket OR elegant walking stick!

...hello dear readers!

It has been a lickety split fast week!!
~ and yes,
I'm still cleaning and weeding out my studio.

 I did manage to give my french flower market basket a little make over:)
Seems as though everything I touch these days,
 is being converted into creamy white shades of loveliness...

~ a fabulous spray of pretty white roses for the basket
and then a sumptuous bow adorns the front!
bow is made out of soft vintage netting
(NOT that itchy scratchy stuff they have on the market today I tell ya'!)
then a silk tassel, and a picot edged satin bow
with a vintage pearl and rhinestone earring in the center!
 seems as though I've been using those vintage earrings alot lately
...lampshades, flowers, bakets and bows!!
I had better be on the hunt for more ~ LOL!!

I love how this basket has a handle, it's like an elegant walking stick,
wouldn't you agree?

not that you probably wish to see my studio table...
but this is what it looks like at the moment!
there are four sides to a table ~ no?!

let me tell you,
for each side of this table,
there are also four different creative endeavors going on!!
I know, I know,
 no rest for the wicked...
or is it weary??
 I can never remember!
~ and I certainly TRY not to be wicked ~ LOL!!
I just know my brain never stops,
 even long after my hands and eyes do!!

yes, that is my tasty imbibement sitting there
with colored lip gloss all over the rim
(remember : pretty is, as pretty does!!)

I usually drink seltzer water with a lemon circle
but today,
I felt like having an "Arnold Palmer"
(a mix of lemonade and ice tea)

it also appears that I've been having a few interesting fizzy lifty drinks this week!!

pretties in the making!

I've also got my sights set on this next:

a  wicker chaise re-slipcover make over...
and with sooooooo many inspiring places to visit in blog land
I'm sure I'll come up with nothing short of ALOT of lovely ideas!!

sharing the love over at
My Romantic Home's Show and Tell Friday
French Country Cottage's Feathered Nest Friday

here's to a renewed studio!!

p.s. you can lavender soda for fizzy lifty drinks at Whole Foods Market:)


  1. That is a really neat piece Rosemary and I love how you've decorated it with all the white flowers!! Very pretty!



  2. What a sweet walking stick and it looks so elegant and romantic the way you embellished it. I just love it.


  3. I love the way yo've done the walking stick. It is so pretty. ~Alana~

  4. Beautiful, I always know I can visit you and be inspired!!! Wish my mess looked as lovely, ha ha....somehow it just looks like a big mess!
    Have a creative and fizzy weekend!
    Margaret B

  5. This is gorgeous Rosemary! Such a pretty basket! Your studio is gorgeous too! If I had one that looked like that I would LIVE in there! lol

  6. your posts are always so dreamy. every photograph could be in magazine. truly..they look you just want to climb in and be a "part of it." Your work table is the epitome of surprise there! Merci for the inspiration mon amie...double sigh

  7. Always a place of beauty here, Rosemary. I should have known you were a fizzy drink person, so am I. I am addicted to Pellegrino and Ferrarelle water and ran out yesterday! I had to take a walk to pick up a couple bottles to have them on hand today. A lover of lemon in too! Drink a cup of hot water & lemon every morning, have you tried? It's fab.

    Good luck w/all your projects. I believe things go better when there are lots of things being worked on at one time!

  8. That is the prettiest craft table I've ever seen! Love your re-make of the flower basket - it is so lovely.


  9. Sweetie Pie, you're definitely not wicked...just wonderful! Even your work space is fabulous! And I'm laughing over the "fizzy lifty" drinks...please elaborate. LOL!!! Thanks for always joining in,
    love ya bunches,

  10. Beautiful studio. Love your walking stick.

  11. Hi Rosemary~ What a beautiful walking stick and your studio is filled with gorgeousness! I am loving the ruffles on your table and your sweet little stool-so pretty!! Thanks for sharing these inspirations at Feathered Nest Friday! :)

  12. Hi Rosemary, your french basket is sweet, I haven't seen all sides of my working tables for months now! So I can definately relate, I love the way you have your table drapped, the cold and snow has given me a great excuse to stay inside and create also.

  13. This looks so lovely. I look forward to you stopping by at My Dream Canvas:-)

  14. I love your French flower basket. I have had in my inspiration file for a long time to make one of those. I have my Grandfathers old handmade by him walking sticks and my Grandmothers baskets. I want to make one from their items as a tribute to them. You have just gotten me inspired to make that my winter project. Thanks for sharing. I have become a new follower. I love your studio. What a lovely place to be inspired. ~~Sherry~~

  15. I am so jealous of your gorgeous studio Rosemary!! Since I moved, I now have to use to dining table. Oh well, it works just as well I guess. But I miss having my own space!
    I love your walking stick, you did a beautiful job!
    Have a great Sunday.

  16. Lovely images Rosemary! It's always a treat to my eyes and heart to visit your beautiful blog.
    Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving your sweet comments about my latest ballerina creations! :) I love thinking that the faries have kissed my fingers! <3



be kind ~ be graceful ~ be beautiful ~ be you!