
Jan 31, 2011

...One World One Heart 2011 ~ and pretty door prizes from behind the lace curtain!! world
~ one heart

think about that for a moment

let it wash over you...

for this OWOH event,
during this reserved little space and time
we bloggers
ONE world 
 ONE creative beating heart!!

now that's some
~ big love ~

 to all my dear readers ~
to all you new ones!!

If you are visiting for the first time,
my name is Rosemary,
 and I'm the artisan behind Ozma of Odds.
 (pay no attention to the girl behind the lace curtain!)
I seek to inspire creativity,
 uplift your spirit and provide an escape from reality
 ~ even if only for a moment!
 I choose to live my life weaving ribbons of everyday romance
into my creative endeavors,
into my home design
 and with those who wish to follow along.
Ultimately, sharing with you how ~ good is NOW!!
Welcome to the land of odds!
 My studio of artisan oddities is located in Nevada : United States

~ ozma (oz' ma), n. the lost gypsy fairy queen of Oz.
~ odd (od), adj. differing in nature from what is ordinary, usual, or expected.

I have seen this little blog button floating around blog land
maybe you have too??

but until this morning
I honestly had not taken the time to read more about it...
I am intrigued with the idea!
maybe it's because I adore authentic, generous hearts
and I believe in paying it forward...
This event was created and is hosted by one of those kinds of hearts 

to give bloggers the chance to meet
 and to get to know each other from ANYWHERE around the world!!

~ and if that doesn't just blow your mind,
(here's the generous part)
each and every place you visit,
will also have a special door prize waiting
for one of the dear readers that just happen to stop by
and visit during this event
January 31st - February 17th
and leave a comment on their OWOH post!!!!

Now, I ask you ~
what's not to love about this??
An opportunity to meet bloggers we maybe would never meet otherwise
 pretty prizes too?!!

I'm in!!

would you like to see my door prize??

how about THREE?!

yes, it's true!!
(I just couldn't help myself!!)
I will be giving away three different pretty prizes,
to three randomly drawn readers!!
In keeping with the theme,
each pretty prize is in the shape of
pretty prize #1
 a string of these oh-so-lovely fairy lights

These are beautiful!!

A light set strand of 10 flower lights that are oh-so-romantic!

Each fairy light strand has lovely, soft creamy white flower petals
surrounding each light giving these a vintage feel to them.
A paper lace center is added for even more romance
 to show off the blush pink heart light covers.

Pink heart light cover may be removed for year round use.

These fairy lights are lovely anywhere you plug them in at
 and are perfect for special parties and weddings or just hanging in your studio!

pretty prize #2
this Saint Valentine ex-voto paper locket
~ enchantment ~
as I am enchanted to meet you
and I look forward to visit all who stop by!!

A gorgeous paper flaming heart ex-voto
 that is true to size with the original rhinestone heart,
has been printed on heavy linen cardstock,
hand cut and glittered with the softest shade of pink,
vintage german glass glitter that will tarnish over time to a beautiful patina,
to replicate the rhinestones on an authentic rhinestone ex-voto!

 paper locket has been backed with a gold leaf paper to add sturdiness.
 A 2" paper heart box that has also been gold leafed
is attached on the back to make the "locket"
and opens up to so you may place a special little something inside!

Perhaps ~ a kiss!!

A generous length of my hand cut and pink dyed sea silk ribbon
is attached to the top of the locket heart
and has a tiny, pink grunge dyed rose
 that has also been tipped in pink glitter for added romance.


and last but not least,
pretty prize #3

A luminous silk prayer ribbon that is beautiful to hold in your hand...

and because I think this world could use a little prayer
ALOT of prayer

but remember
this event is OWOH
one woman world, one heart!

maybe we could all just whisper one together!!

Suspended from this lovely hand dyed, silk dupioni ribbon,
is a flaming heart medal from Italy.
 This charm dangle is also comprised of a beautiful vintage pearl
 and a vintage velvet flower floating atop in a soft shade of shell pink.

These could be worn as a necklace,
 used as a book mark,
tucked within a pocket or tied around a special candle.

Your prayer ribbon will come to you,
tucked away in this pretty little heart shaped tin.

what do you think??
Have you enjoyed your visit today?
and would you also
wish for one of these pretties to be at YOUR door step???

if so,
here's how it works:

if you are a blogger
(ie. you have a current blog of your own)
from anywhere in the world
simply leave a comment on THIS post
that's it!!
I know right??!
when was the last time winning a pretty was ever that easy??

want to visit other OWOH participants?

want to participate and join in on the fun yourself??
then simply visit Lisa's OWOH info post
there's time!
this event runs from January 31st to February 17th

Ozma's 3 door prize pretties winners will be drawn
on February 18th
using random generator:)
and will be notified then by e-mail
(please make sure there is a link listed to get ahold of you in your comment)

So come on dear readers!
What are you waiting for?
Feel the love!!

here's to authentic, generous hearts!


  1. I hope I win one of your prizes ;) I'm a big fan of lace and ribbon and glitter and lots of magic.
    Greetings from my little part of the world,

  2. Oh so dainty! Count me in to win! I'm #131. Stop on by too..

  3. You are so sweet....I always feel the love here......I love the land of odds......
    I am one of your biggest fans.....yes I really am....everything made with so much care and love.....
    So my deerest it's an honour to be part of this......
    Hope I have some luck ;0)
    Fine evening

  4. I would be so happy to win any one of those beautiful prizes . You blog enchants me.

  5. I love your prayer ribbons, I need another one, especially in pink. I also love the pink lights. Your new header is amazing, the flower is wonderful.

  6. Oh my gosh, I remember reading about the lights the first time you posted about them ~ I fell in love with them! And the other gifts are too gorgeous for words! You're too generous. Kathleen

  7. Rosemary,
    I heard about this last year but, didn't get a chance to visit many since I was late finding it. THANK YOU for telling us about it early. I would LOVE tow win one of your goodies. You are such a generous soul to offer 3 give aways. I thought I was a follower already but, found I wasn't well... I took care of that too. HUGS!

  8. Ozma, it is good to meet you!
    I have been stalking your blog for awhile now!
    I would love to win one of your give aways!

    I am a heart girl {collecting hearts is my favorite thing to do}
    Hence the name of my blog "From my cherry heart".

    Smiles, Dolly

  9. You made such a beautiful OWOH post! love your doorprizes! Please enter me in your give away. I am also participating in OWOH :)

  10. Hi dear Rosemary,
    winning one of your prices would be pure joy- they are wonderfull all- I`m so happy to have the chance.
    I hope you will visit my OWOH POST ,too, sweetie.
    Love your new header, the flower is fantastic.
    Love and hugs, Dorthe

  11. Such beautiful prizes you've created. I especially love your fairy lights. My girls both have loft beds and these would be wonderful to put underneath. Gorgeous! I always love visiting your blog because there is always such eye candy to behold. Hope you have a great week at OWOH! Hugs!

  12. What a wonderful idea! I love anything you make Rosemary! It is all so beautiful! Happy Monday!

  13. All of your door prizes are amazing and I'd love to give one of them a new home!

  14. Oh, are such a shows in all that you do:) There is such beauty in your words and in your handiwork...thank you so much for giving it away!

  15. Rosemary~ you know I love your work.. and i will be blunt and say..I WANT TO WIN!!!!
    Welcome aboard!

  16. Rosemary! Happy OWOH! Isn't this an amazing concept! It's my 1st time participating and I'm so excited to be a part of it!

    I adore your prizes....please count me in!

    I'll see you again soon :)

  17. You are so generous dear Rosemary! I am swooning over all your pretties!

    Much Love,

  18. oh,yes,yes please enter me. i am so thankful for blog world, honestly. i have already discovered one world and one heart since i have started blogging about 1 1/2 years ago. it is one of my most favorite gift to myself. thank you.Bestest,Denise

  19. What beautiful and lovely gifts you are generously giving away! I would love to enter your giveaway.


  20. Miss Ozma of Odds,
    I would LOVE to win one of your beautiful gift giveaways! Love your blog name!!

  21. My sweet friend, I thought of you constantly at the beach this past week.

    I would love to win anything from your wonderful studio and your talented hands.

    Beautiful post and what a fabulous idea!

    XOXOXOXO Rhonda

  22. Hi Rosemary,
    What a lovely blog and giveaway! I would love to be entered for a chance to win a piece of your art. thank you for inviting me to visit your blog and wander around. I will be back when i am not pressed by this world traveling schedule...
    I hope you have time to drop by my blog to say hi as well,
    Hugs from snowy New Hampshire,
    Beth P

  23. Oh, incredibly romantic! Thank you for offering these lovelies. ; )

  24. Hi Rosemary. Thank you for inviting me to your Beautiful Blog. Your creations and so lovely and they inspire me! I've become a follow and hope to visit often.

  25. Greetings from Virginia, US. Lovely work. Thanks for your giveaway. If you'd like, you can enter mine at: - listed as participant #523 for OWOH
    avennett AT verizon DOT net

  26. Your giveaway is gorgeous!please count me in thanks!!!

  27. Your blog is a wonderland, so peaceful and serene....I am now a new follower even though our styles are different -our hearts are in sync.
    love your creations...I have a collection of heart exvotos...
    Have fun during OWOH - hope you meet some kindred spirits.
    Stop by for a visit if you choose,

  28. Oh.....I love everything on your blog...just sure to visit my blog as well..I am doing the OWOH also....I would love to be included in the drawing.

  29. Greetings from Canberra Australia.
    I love your work and would love to enter your giveaway.

  30. Your giveaways (3!!) are stunning and your blog is absolutely georgeous! I'm so happy to have found you. Yes, please enter me into the drawing. I collect hearts and would be thrilled to have one of your creations in my house!
    Hugs from Colorado

  31. such a beautiful giveaway!! count me in please.

  32. So many beautiful things from the OWOH artists!! I'm proud and pleased to call many of them my friends. Enjoy yourself and thanks for sharing

  33. So many nice gifts! There is not nearly enough pretty in my life! I enjoyed visiting your blog, and I hope you will visit me, too!

  34. Rosemary, your blog is a delight and your giveaways are beautiful ... the fairy lights are precious!
    Please visit my blog too (Art of Humungous Proportions).
    Cheers ~

  35. Hello,
    I'm hopping around the world tanks to OWOH !!!
    Love your work, and I would looooove to win.
    Thanks for the chance.
    Lots of greetings from Belgium.

  36. Good morning Rosemary,
    What a generous soul you are ... three ever so dreamy gifts to giveaway. I so admire your creative genius ... for you truly have a artful mind. As always, your photos are breathtaking ... quiet ... for I leave here feeling much at peace.

    I wish you a most beautiful day ... may your footfalls lead you lightly ...

  37. So lovely! I really love the lights! Thanks for the chance!


  38. You have such a big heart, Rosemary!


    Sandy @ My Shabby Streamside Studio

  39. Gorgeous! Would love to win.Thank you to give a chance to win. Please feel free to visit me.
    Hugs Angelika

  40. Wow, You really have a nack for decribing your goodies in such a beautiful way. I could not stop reading. I would love to hold one of your lovelies in my hand. Stop by for a visit at my blog too.

  41. Such a beautiful and generous giveaway..All of the gifts are just devine..xx

  42. Well I'm just one of your many admirers Rosemary. Yes I love this event. I made some great friends last year.
    Beautiful gifts from a beautiful artist.

  43. already know me. can i still enter to win??? I hope so. you know i adore you! :)

  44. Love your beautiful dreamy romantic, lovely, site.
    Have your best OWOH ever.

  45. Hello Rosemary! I would love to win any one of those beautiful prizes! i loved your visit today... but ofcourse my ozma of 'odds' friend would understand my art! I have thought of doing the owoh, I think i need to go over and give it another look. Have a creative week! Theresa xoxo

  46. What a lucky new or old friend this winner will be! Your generous gifts are so magical and perfect, Rosemary.
    Thank you for this chance to win,

  47. Greetings from Oregon, USA! Your blog and door prizes are exquisite and enchanting! Thanks for the smiles! Hope you will stop by and say hi at my OWOH post...I'm # 457 All the best, Susan Faye

  48. I am absolutely overcome with the beauty of your blog. It has such a serene feel. Oh, my. I would be honored to have one of your pieces.

  49. Greetings!...So pleased to visit your lovely blog. I am a Canadian Mixed Media and Digital Artist and look forward to meeting a new friend. I hope you will visit my blog as well. or #230 on the OWOH list.

    Thank you for including me in your wonderful gift draw. I am amazed at the beauty of your creations. So delicate and your artistic skills are outstanding. I love all things vintage and drawn to the nostalgia of that other time.
    Hugs, Gayle
    my blog:

  50. Greetings from Connie on Kauai. I really enjoyed exploring your blog. terrific giveaway too!
    come visit my blog too!

  51. I have been seeing that little button around too and never knew exactly what it was. I guess I will have to find out more about it!

  52. Thank you for being apart of the OWOH journey! It's been a pleasure to come to your blog!

  53. These are lovely. i am fascinated by those lights. Wherever did you get them? Love the charms too. Please add me to your giveaway and come over and visit me on my blog too. I am #229 on the list.

  54. What a generous group of door prizes.All so beautiful. Thank you for the chance to win.
    I am now following your blog for more inspiration.

  55. I love lace and pretty things and live with Sherk in the woods of Oregon...I like to look pretty next to my big guy...your art is mistifying, eligant and lacey...even thought I cant spell...............I Love your way of live...back to Sherk he is calling...come by for coffee the house will be clean between 7 am and 4pm....Tootsie

  56. G'Day from Brisbane! Poppin' in for OWOH event. Pleased to meet you!

    Such beautiful prizes you have! I would love to win the fairy lights, but being in Australia, I wouldn't be able to plug them in. So, hopefully, I will win one of the other beauties. :)

    homemakerhoney@ gmail .com

    My OWOH giveaway:

  57. Hi Rosemary... Thank you for visiting my OWOH post and leaving such a nice comment.
    I have been perusing your blog. I am enchanted, so romantic! Of course I will become a follower.
    I would be so delighted if I were to win one of your gorgeous 'door prize' goodies. So please write my name on a rose petal and place it in the white top hat.

  58. Such lovely treasures you offer. Please count me in and visit my OWOH post. I am #505.

  59. You had me at the linen and lace embroidered blog. I want to live here.
    Any of the lovely door prizes would make me so happy, and I'll have to go check out your shop, etc. So beautiful. Thanks for the beautiful post,'s easy to go too fast with the OWOH thing, and miss the important details.
    (one Hermit)

  60. So many creative bloggers! Put me in the pot for your OWOH Door Prize Please! Thanks,Tee

  61. Hi Ozma! I'm an Eskimo living in.....OZ!!!!!! So glad to have discovered your beautiful and feminine blog- in you go to my blog reader! Your treasures will certainly give the winners romantic whimsy to enjoy- thank you for the chance to win them!

    If you haven’t already, I hope you’ll drop by both of my giveaways (at Twigs and Tulle and Kindergarten’s 3 R’s: I’m giving away a mini bunting and some pattern blocks) during this awesome blogging event! Happy OWOH!



  62. Wow I love your blog, the pics, the lay out and most of all the words!
    Hope you find your way to my blog and that you like it as much! Happy OWOH!
    Niky x

  63. I love your website. What incredibly gorgeous things you make! I am your latest follower.

    Jeanie Callaghan

  64. Your post is wonderful and so full of lovely photos. Hope you have oodles of fun during OWOH. I've enjoyed it so much over the years seeing all of the wonderful blogs and meeting everyone. Thanks for your participation. Love your creativity.
    visionquest2020 AT msn DOT com

  65. ••●✿Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ✿●••••●✿Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ✿●••••●✿Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄
    I don't think I've ever visited your blog so it's very nice to meet you. Please include my name in your draw and it would be terrific if you could drop by my blog for a visit too. I'm sure I'll be back for another visit. Have fun!!!
    Martina from Stuttgart/Germany

  66. Lovely all three! So delighted to meet you. Please come visit me! XXHugs to you, Mollye

  67. Your blog is so beautiful! I will be looking a lace in a new way now! Please count me into win. It would be tremendous! hugs

  68. The best thing about the OWOH is the amazing blogs I am discovering. So wonderful to sit at my pc at all hours and visit around the world. Your door prizes are exquisite, would love to be included in the draw.

  69. Oh I would love to win any of your lovely items!

    Please come by my blog and my OWOH giveaway as well. I'm #590.

    hoerauf at comcast dot net

  70. Hi Rosemary, What a beautiful blog, post and giveaways. It's a pleasure to meet you and run across your blog. You're my first stop!! JUst found out about OWOH, but will be sending in my information to join the fun tomorrow. Looking forward to getting to know you better!

  71. Hi there, so nice to meet you!
    Your giveaway is wonderful and gorgeous, would love to be in with a chance to win anyone of them!!!

    Greetings from bonny Scotland.

    PS. If you have a minute and have not already done so, please come and visit mine too:o)

  72. Hello Rosemary!
    Greetings from Ontario Canada!
    Your blog is breathtaking as are your creations...I too get called to the salty sea...I believe in some way I used to be a mermaid :)

    Enjoy all the blogging love out there!
    Laurie Anne xo

  73. Wow your giveaways are super beautiful!! I am so excited to have a chance to win one!!

    Your blog is beautiful and filled with beautiful things, such talent you have!

    Happy OWOH!

    Jennifer Hall
    My Email:
    My Blog:

  74. These are all so amazingly fabulous! I love all of the pretties on your blog! I would love to know where you found your wonderful hand display? I love that!!! jinglesells at gmail dot com #357

  75. Dear Rosemary ~ I so needed to find this gentle place today ~ I plan to visit often to indulge in your delicate world ~ Thank-you!

    Your gifts are each very special and will make the winners so happy.

    ❄ So nice to meet you through OWOH. I'm playing too ~ #225 ❄

  76. Very unique and interesting art.

    Wonderful to visit your blog and meet you. Put my name in your draw, then take a minute to visit my blog, and I will add your name to win one of three prizes.


  77. You generous spirit you!! These are lovely lovely giveaways. May the love return your way. Namaste friend. Well any of these would find their way nestled in amongst treasure tacked to my new (old from the junk store) bulletin board, but those fairy lights would bring it over the moon. *smiles*
    I'd love to have a chance to win a piece of your beautiful work. Please enter my name into your draw, and thanks! Norma (95)

  78. What a beautiful inspiring blog. Please iclude me the drawing for your wonderful prizes.

  79. Hailing you from sunny Arizona. I've enjoyed visiting your blog and learning about you and your art. I hope you’ll visit my blog and signup to win my prizes. Laura

  80. Greetings from Fresno, California :-)
    Please enter me in your drawing for your lovely give-away gift.
    ~Cheryl over @ Artsy Fartsy

  81. So pretty! I'd love to hang those lights in my living room arch way!
    Please stop by and enter my OWOH! I'm #50!

  82. oh how beautiful!! I would love to win..
    OWOH #502

  83. Every time I enter your blog I feel like I am in a dream world. Like I am living a Fairy tale. Love the give away, especially the lights. ~~Sherry~~

  84. Beautiful giveaways! They each have a lovely vintage feel to them. Please enter me in to win

  85. I love your work.. so soft, delicate and beautiful!

    Wow! that's a lot of giveaways and I hope I could get hold of one of your gorgeous creation.

    Here's my OWOH post..please click here.. :)

    laetriciajaniel (@) gmail (dot) com

  86. The lights are GORGEOUS!! What a way to jazz up a bedroom! And the little boxes are sooo cute - i love your design! Please do count me in and enjoy OWOH x

  87. Great tour on your blog, so beautiful.
    Lovely doorgifts, count me in, please!

    Greetings from Finland,
    I'm number *451* OWOH
    It was nice to meet;-))m

    leikkaan AT

  88. Hi I loved your blog and all of you prizes are lovely, I love their soft color. I hope you will stop by my blog for a visit and see what I love to do

  89. I love those fairy lights! If I don't win, I must find them to purchase. All of your prizes were well thought out and quite wonderful as is the music you play in the background and your linen side bars. Please stop by to visit me at number 92. Oh, and definitely add my name to the draw.

  90. Hello from India.
    I am a first time visitor here and you are so talented and have a beautiful blog
    I just learnt of the wonderful initiative of OWOH, am too late to give a give away myself but you are welcome to visit my blog.I learnt this is the last year of OWOH, I do so hope and pray someone else takes up the initiative and this beautiful concept does not die out.
    My email: lukathewriter (at) gmail (dot) com

  91. Oh Rosemary - I'm so glad to have found you and your lovely blog. Each and every offering is absolutely gorgeous! I'm off to see what else you create! Count me in please!

    I'm #543 - come see me!


  92. Wow! Your gifts are sooo lovely! Beautiful work! Visit me at #123

  93. Rosemary ,Such gorgeous gifts. Thanks for the chance to win. Please pop over to my blog and enter mine #636

  94. Ohh I've wanted some of your fairy lights for awhile now! Love the Loreena McKennitt playing. Happy OWOH, nice to meet you :)

  95. Oh my Dear Rosemary!
    Your blog is gorgeous!!! I have become a follower because I love your artwork and your style! I do hope you will visit me so I can share a little bit about what I do and if you like it maybe you will follow me too?!
    What can I say about your giveaway, all are beautiful and I would be soooo lucky to win one! Please enter me in your wonderful drawing!
    Thank you,

  96. Fairy lights....ahhh! You have so many beautiful treasures to give! And I was so happy to see you here! You're in my list of favorites so I enjoy your blog all year long! Greetings from Florida, my friend! ♥ Visit me soon! I'm # 389 ! ♥

  97. Those fairy lights, what can I say. Those are beautiful. Perfect for a dinner date :)

    I'm #530.

  98. Hi Rosemary. It is so very nice to meet you. You certainly have a wonderful place here :) Your gifts for the OWOH giveaway are all so dainty and very beautiful.

    Please stop on by my blog for a visit... I would love to see you there. I am #78 on the list.

  99. What gorgeous prizes. I hope that I would be wonderful!

  100. Hi Rosemary, so lovely to meet you! Please add my name for your giveaway, I would so love to any one of your gorgeous prizes:-) So enjoyed your presentation of this post!!

    Make sure you come by and enter my own giveaway if you haven’t done so already!!

    Hugs, PEA from Canada xox

  101. love your blog and sense of humor!! will be back to check out more!

  102. Ciao! I am so happy to meet you today on the wings of OWOH! Thanks for a chance to win one of your wonderful giveaways - all of your work is so beautiful!!
    Hugs, ♥ ♥ ♥ Antonella ♥ ♥ ♥
    wing stop #153, snowy New Jersey
    Please stop by #153 for a chance to win my giveaway!

  103. Lovely, Rosemary!

    Happy OWOH to you--stop by for a little visit if you get the chance, I'm playing along, as well!

    trishatoo at hotmail dot com

  104. What a beautiful blog and such lovely giveaways, please add me to your growing list!

  105. I love seeing all the neat things that people create!

    Thanks for the lovely giveaway!

    Amy from Pennsylvania (OWOH #520)
    artsyrockerchick at aim dot com

  106. Your blog page is so romantic! I love your creations and your artful way of displaying them!

  107. How sweet and feathery light and romantic!
    Nice meeting you and your blog!
    Have a great Sunday!

  108. My 4th year of participation and have thoroughly, for the most part, enjoyed the experience. I get to visit wonderful blogs, such as yours, and have made i-net friends and we still keep in touch. It's been a grand experience; when you've time, please visit Thistle Cove Farm.

  109. Hi from Ohio. your blog is lovely. Please enter my name in your drawing. thank you. it's nice to meet you.

  110. I felt like Glinda the Good took me by the hand and walked with me in spring fields full of flowers as I was "ooohing" and "ahhhhing" everything on your blog, Ozma :) Your art is just so beautiful, spiritual and feminine, I love it...

    Please enter my name for a chance to win your giveaway.

    Thank you so much and blessings
    Wendy : )

    Stop by and say "hi" over @ "The Year of the Cats"

  111. your blog is beautiful and your offerings so lovely! you do amazing work from the heart!
    please come visit my blog #30 on the list!
    warm hugs & blessings from Montana!

  112. Oh your gifts you are giving away are so delicately beautiful! They are truly awesome! Hope you can stop by and see me too. Wanda from Ohio #220
    needlewings (at ) mac (dot) com

  113. Hello from Navada! I love your giveaway! Please count me in! Thank you! Keisha

  114. What lovely prizes for you giveaway! It is so much fun seeing all the different types of things being given away and meet new(to me) bloggers! Please enter me in your giveaway!

  115. Wow Rosemary! You have a beautiful, peaceful blog! So many pretties to look at! I'm glad you decided to participate in OWOH! Please enter my name in your fantastic giveaway and if you get a chance please stop by my blog, Lost Coast Post (#455 on the OWOH list) Cheers, Michelle

  116. Thank you for for offering this beautiful gift and thank you for the chance to win. Your hard work really shows!

  117. Wow what a lovely giveaway! Please add me to the list !Thank you for the opportunity to win!

    Lovely Blog!

  118. What a beautiful blog and so many pretty things - would like to look around longer, so I became a follower. I'm enjoying my worldwide blog tour! If I'm lucky enough to win, please contact me through my blog

  119. I so hope I win one of your stunning prizes. I am participating at OWOH too, so pop on by my blog and enter if you wish. I am now a follower because I am loving it here!


  120. Rosemary, everything on your blog is so pretty and romantic..even your name is!! I love visiting and will come back!
    cathyguitarteacher-77 at

  121. Hello from Iowa, it's nice to meet you! I enjoyed stopping by your blog and would love to be entered in your giveaway.

    Donna #792

  122. Such pretty prizes! The fairy lights would be awesome in my daughters room!!
    binafan at hotmail dot com

  123. Stunning blog. So nice to see you and your blog on my journey around OWOH 2011. Enjoy the rest of OWOH. Kim (No. 724)

  124. Oh Ozma, your blog is pure romance! Love all your beautiful prizes too.

    I hope you'll stop by and see my giveaways too on my blog.

    Sherry from England, UK

  125. You ask have I enjoyed my visit? OF COURSE I have, just like I enjoy every visit to your beautiful blog. Your giveaways are so beautiful, it would be wonderful to win one of them.

  126. Hi! You nicely presented your lovely gifts!
    Please add my name to your draw and come on over to my blog #348 and enter my giveaway if you wish. Thanks and Good Luck!

  127. Wow,
    I love those lights, and I really like your blog set up. It is so fresh and romantic. It is like a dream.
    A big hug from Spain.

  128. Beautiful! Count me in on the lovely giveaway.If I should be the lucky winner just email me through my blog.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  129. You have a very pretty blog and your gifts are lovely.
    OWOH hugs.
    Carol H.

  130. I would LOVE to win one of your lovely gifts- especially the prayer ribbon! Please enter me in your drawing, and stop by my blog to enter mine!

    :) Michelle

  131. This comment has been removed by the author.

  132. Hi Rosemary,

    Wow -- your blog is a feast for the eye! :)

    Thanks for the chance to win one of those magical prizes. (I might add that I couldn't even use the fairy lights, as I live in a different country -- and plugs are different here, too.)

    Greetings from Germany,
    # 66

  133. Nice Giveaway~Hello from Ontario Canada. Please count me in for your giveaway.

    Please visit my OHOW giveaway:

  134. I would love to be included in your wonderful drawing, if you get a chance to stop by my blog is #809

  135. All your gifts are wonderful, I love the heart theme!!!! It was so nice to stay awhile and enjoy a coffee with you. If you get the chance I would love you to visit me downunder (Australia) so I can return the favour. #819

  136. Please include me in your lovely give away!
    -Kim :)

  137. My own fairy would love winning one of your prizes (mostly the fairy lights she whispers behind my ear. Thank you.

  138. Hello from Oregon! Thanks for inviting me to peek around your blog and enter your giveaway. Your vintage prizes are amazing. So beautiful!
    I would love it if you could find time to come to my blog and enter for my door prize also.
    :) Gale

  139. Nice blog! Those fairy lights would go great at my wedding! :D Thanks for the chance to enter!

    Rayna - Minnesota

  140. You have a very warm and inviting blog. I really enjoyed the visit. I love ALL your hearts. Please enter me in your giveaway and visit me, if you haven't already. I'm number 11 and my information is on my profile page.

  141. Beautiful blog and gorgeous art you have made. Everything from the fairy lights to the ribbons and locket.
    Nice to meet you and take care, Michelle of HippieDog #15

  142. Please enter me in your OWOH Giveaway! If I am the winner, you can contact me at Take a moment to visit my blog and enter my OWOH Giveaway at


  143. Hello from Canada Rosemary. Your blog is oh-so-romantic as well as your fairy lights! I love the wodden hand you're displayed your treasures on.
    I would love to have you stop by and visit, if you haven't already- Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  144. Lovely blog...thanks for the chance to win! Happy OWOH!

  145. Greetings from western North Carolina.
    You have an awesome blog and giveaway. I am having such fun checking out all of the OWOH participant's blogs.

  146. ... you sure know how to WOW us.. amazing.. great blog, great give-a-ways,, great font even.. lol thanks for the opportunities mitz_zee@yahoodotcom

  147. Beautiful staging of your prizes! and I love the blog backaground. Will have to come back!
    :-) gina #299

  148. Hello from NY. What an amazing giveaway. Thank you for adding my name to your giveaway.

  149. Your blog is absolutely beautiful!
    I love each of the romantic giveaway goodies you are sharing. The fairy lights are gorgeous!
    Thank you for participating in OWOH 2011. I hope you get a chance to pop by my blog, #51, on your journey.
    hugs from ON, Canada

  150. Hello from Florida!so nice to meet you through this event. hoping you'll stop by my blog to say hi too. So very nice to see all of the creativity across blogland and to meet new people. your creations are all so pretty and your blog is very pretty as well.

  151. Hi Rosemary! How sweet of you to offer 3 prizes!! They are all so
    gorgeous- and in theme with OWOH as well as Valentine's day! I hope that
    you have a wonderful ride this year with OWOH and that many new friends pass
    through your blog's doorway :)

  152. Your blog is so soft and sweet. Thank you for participating in OWOH.

  153. I love the way you write and your prizes are so cute! happy owoh!

  154. hello! i would be delighted to win one of your lovely giveaways! they are all so beautiful! if you haven't yet, i hope you can drop by my blog at (#544) and join my OWOH giveaway. blessings from peggyapl(at)!

  155. Hello from Iowa,
    What wonderful heart items you picked out, please enter me in your drawing.
    Come visit me, I'm #417.

  156. Hi Rosemary,
    I am a follower and frequent visitor to your lovely blog. It is ALWAYS a pleasure to visit and your giveaway gifts are beautiful. Happy OWOH!

  157. Oh my, I love your blog (GORGEOUS photo on your header) I would be thrilled to win one of your fabulous prizes!

  158. Enchanting your style..
    come say hi..Deirdra Doan Blog

  159. Hi from just down the road in Dayton! LOL I love your giveaways! Maybe if my name is drawn we can just grab a cup o' Joe together!

  160. thanks for being a part of OWOH so that we could find you!

    thanks, too, for a chance at winning one of your sweet prizes!

    i hope you will have a chance to stop by my blog and enter my give away, too!

    joe in montana

  161. Stupendous! Yummy. Deeeelish! Made my heart go pitty-pat!

    Please enter me too!

    Warm blessings,

  162. Oh!!!! Your blog and all your work is really lovely!
    Greetings from Spain!!!
    cal_rubies at yahoo dot es

  163. Greetings from Ipswich, MA
    I'm glad to meet you. I'm #509

    I'm a jewelry artist, watercolor painter, and over all creative adventurer! And...I'd be honored to have you follow my blog!

    I'm fascinated by your flower lights! Please enter me into the OWOH drawing. Thanks!

    I hope you get to visit my blog, too. I'm giving away a shabby chic denim necklace. Come any time to chat.

    Hugs¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´Linda L

  164. So lovely, add me to your hopefuls. Love this OWOH meet and greet. Beautiful pictures. Come for a visit Leslie

  165. I love your world!! Its so cozy! Your giveaways are absolutely stunning.
    I enjoy scrapbooking and creating altered art
    jewelry. Please include me in your doorprize giveaway.
    Thanks for sharing your blog. Come visit me at


  166. You've managed to create a lovely ethereal atmosphere on your blog - Your photos are like crystal. I'd love to be entered into your drawing. Pleaes feel welcome to drop by mine too.

  167. I adore the romance of your prizes. Off to check out more of your blog!

  168. OMG... I 'HEART' everything here LOL... come on you can tell me, you really are the girl behind the Lace Curtain right??? Anyway I've whispered my name over my ENTIRE SCREEN, which has your beautiful delicate blog page up in all it's glory ;) I'm pleased to meet you (I'm Shelle from Sunshine Coast Australia) If you have time (I don't think I've seen you visit, but could be just dazed from dancing around the world LOL) I'd love you to come on over check out my giveaways & comment at my OWOH post too :) oh & please feel free to drop in now and then after OWOH if you're in the bloggersphere :) that'd be cool! Now let's enjoy this hurly burly wonderful One World One Heart EXTRAVAGANZA :) There's lot's more blogs, I feel like I'm in a marathon LOL!! Up, UP & AWAAAAAAY!!

  169. I love the romance and magic of your gift.

    thank you

    chocolate and croissants at yahoo com

    please stop by.

  170. beautiful hearts made by someone with a beautiful heart of her own! Please include my name and stop by when you get the chance:

  171. Your blog is so peaceful and pretty, I love the color and background- so elegant. All of the prizes are spectacular.

  172. HI Rosemary, I would love to win your beautifully handcrafted heart art project. How sweet! Please visit my blog, too. I am the author of "16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood." I am giving away my book and a couple of laminated 4 leaf clovers.

  173. Just flying in from Cody, Wyoming! Isn't this event fun? What an beautiful blog you have and so many fun things to see. I love your offerings - they are all gorgeous! Please enter me in your drawing. (stampgram AT yahoo DOT com )
    If you have a moment stop by and enter my giveaways too.
    # 385
    # 132

  174. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  175. Wow, what a beautiful blog! Your images are so elegant and feminine and your music is really striking. Thank you for the chance to have one of these beautiful pieces, Kristin (#73)

  176. Lovely blog and lovely giveaways…I hope I win. I especially love the fairy lights, but any thing pink is always goo.
    Carolyn Kight Michigan USA
    My blogs in OWOH

    another email (I like this one the best.)

  177. I love your blog and would be happy to win anything. Please count me in and drop by my blog for a visit,

  178. Greetings from the Philippines! What delightful things you've chosen for us to win! And your blog is beautiful! Patsy.paterno (at) from

  179. Sooo romantic! Wow, these are gorgeous giveaways! Please enter me into your draw! So nice to meet you here through OWOH! I hope you get a chance to stop by my blog , too:-)


  180. Oh wow. You make such beautiful things!
    Out of the three, I think the paper heart is my favorite. I couldn't believe it paper until I saw the other side of it.
    Those lights are very soft, and the prayer ribbon is gorgeous.
    Please count me in for this draw.

    Ducky Doo
    (just replace AT with @ and DOT with . I do this to dodge email grabbing internet bots)

  181. Wonderful door-prize´s! So romantic and soft <3

    Please come and visit my blog too if you didn´t do it already! Thank you :)

    Warm regards
    Susan, nr 471

  182. Hey Rosemary, You have such a beautiful and inspiring blog. Your giveaways for OWOH are amazing. Please count me in. ~Michelle, OWOH #598

  183. Thanks for the great giveaway. I hope I win. Best wishes...

    annabell_lee_dk (at)

  184. Rosemary (behind the curtain), :),
    Absolutely lovely. I am just in a soft heaven being here! The giveaways are so dreamy...we still have white Christmas lights up to make the house happier...I think yours would look much better. :)

    I would be honored to win any of those - thank you for the opportunity - and for such a pleasant blog visit!
    #17 on OWOH -

  185. I LOVE those fairy lights! I've added your etsy shop to my favourites (just in case I don't win, lol)! Please enter me into your draw-- thank you so much!
    ~martha (#384)
    (from Toronto :)

  186. I would be honored to win.

    isastephanie at yahoo dot com

    I invite you to stop by my blog


  187. Hello, Rosemary
    You have the loveliest and most feminine blog out of all the blogs I've been too.
    Your giveaways are precious!
    I can be found at a few doll ning sites making dolls with the members there: Cloth and Clay doll ning site; MAIDA doll ning with Dixie Redmond in her Izannah WAlker doll workshop (she took three years of research to create her own authentic reproduction pattern of the 1800's American doll.) and also, Odd-dolls with Pattee. As you can see I am hooked on making altered and primitive dolls.
    Please enter me in your giveaway.
    Teresa in California

  188. Lovely to meet you Rosemary :) I'm Susan from the New Jersey Shore! I love your giveaways and since I am an upcoming (very-soon) Fairy blog quest poster I would sooooo love to win the lights, but any of the prizes are fantastic! Please count me in and PLEASE come visit #209
    Thanks, Susan
    (Pieces of Fate) follower here :)

  189. Your giveaways are simply adorable! I love the fairy lights and the rhinestone heart! Thank you very much for a chance to win something so special!

  190. Rosemary, so inspiring! Thank you for your generous giveaway!

    And greetings from the Pacific Northwest where I am sliding in late and saying, yes, please add my name to your drawing!

    I'm a writer who blogs at Book of Kells,

    Thanks again for participating! I'd love to win!

    Wishing you all good things,


be kind ~ be graceful ~ be beautiful ~ be you!